廣昌隆 - 健康生活之源

健康是美好生活的基礎,與生活每個細節息息相關。 廣昌隆擁有悠久歷史,致力為每個家庭帶來健康、生活便利及優質享受。廣昌隆在香港70年代溶入多元化的老實優質經營。以[誠信、優質、效用、健康]為理念,多年來致力從世界各地引進品質優良的名牌產品。為每個家庭帶來健康,生活便利及優質享受。廣昌隆現管理經營範圍: 包括保健藥品食品、健康食品飲品、保健食品、個人護理產品、家居清潔用品及美容用品等,深受各家庭信賴。業務繼續於 中國、香港、澳門、台灣及東南亞等地區擴展,積極達致品牌及產品多元化發展。  憑著專業的知識、嚴謹的管理及進取的精神,贏得廣大顧客支持,備受各界讚賞。經過多年的發展與蛻變,廣昌隆的實力與日俱增。在未來的日子,廣昌隆將繼往開來,緊貼市場,發揮精益求精的精神,以客為本,締造經典,為廣大顧客帶來更優質的產品及服務,繼續創新不斷,追求卓越。
Kwong Cheong Lung specializes in personal care, health care, household products. With our expertise and excellence in management, we have been recognized by our customers and by the industry. Throughout the years Kwong Cheong Lung is dedicated to bring health and wellness to people. Our company continues to develop its personal care & healthcare range with the latest technology and expertise. The company also maintains a stringent quality control practice to ensure the highest quality of all its products.At the same time, Kwong Cheong Lung is also dedicated to contributing to the society, and actively participates in various charity events. We always puts customers as first priority and is committed to quality products and services.